Pont sur la Seymaz


Construction of an envelope for a railway passage located between the communes of Chêne-Bourgerie and Chêne-Bourg.

The project adapts to the existing structure and its final shape is the expression of the current geometry. A project that seeks to dialogue and integrate with its natural surroundings, at the same time as allowing visual fluidity and guaranteeing the transparency of the work.

Read the article from the Tribune de Genève

See the article on lecourrier.ch



Developed by

CCHE Genève SA


State of Geneva


Acoustic and architectural envelope of a railway bridge over the Seymaz River and widening of the existing bicycle and pedestrian bridge on the Greenway

Floor area (GFA)

613 m2

Volume (SIA)

4,600 m3

Principle drawings

Architecture de CCHE pour le Pont sur la Seymaz Suisse
Architecture de CCHE pour le Pont sur la Seymaz Suisse
Architecture de CCHE pour le Pont sur la Seymaz Suisse
Architecture de CCHE pour le Pont sur la Seymaz Suisse
Architecture de CCHE pour le Pont sur la Seymaz Suisse
Architecture de CCHE pour le Pont sur la Seymaz Suisse
Architecture de CCHE pour le Pont sur la Seymaz Suisse
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